Arizona January 2017

After leaving Southern California (Santa Monica) I drove to Phoenix, Arizona where I had intended to preach at several community colleges in the area. After prayer I decided to go with my “mainstay”, and that is preaching downtown. I preached on the corner of 1st & Washington where I have been at several times over the years. It has proved to be a good corner in the aspect of lots of people and people from different walks of life. Nothing spectacular happened the first day downtown.

Larry DuBois in Arizona
Me in Front of Cactus Plant – Tucson

Downtown Phoenix

The next day I tried a new corner a few blocks away (3rd & Washington) When I arrived, after getting a great parking spot about ten feet away from where I ended up preaching, I noticed an elderly man handing something out. I walked over and waited for him to get done conversing with another gentleman. Yep, sure enough he was handing out Gospel tracts. He has been doing that around Phoenix for the last 13 years. Unfortunately he had to go about the time I was setting up. I had a good day and was able to talk with several people including Patrick, a new believer.


Gospel of John
Wounded Soldier – Ran Over by Light Rail

The next day I was rained out and with the forecast for more of the same, I traveled down to Tucson a mere 120 miles away on Interstate 10. I got there early on a Thursday evening and staying at my friend Roy’s property, which is fully equipped with a bathroom, shower, and washer and dryer. It is a great place to camp out in the van. I was able to plug in which was nice because I could run my electric heater. The next day I went down to the abortion clinic where several Christians I know minister there. I met Brian who has been around Tucson awhile but our paths have not met until this day. He also has done some street preaching and knowing this I wanted to meet him. I invited him out with me for the following week but his work schedule prevented this from taking place. Continue reading “Arizona January 2017”